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What is St. Kitts and Nevis doing with due diligence?

Date: 2022-11-23 PageView: 1798

Some relevant information about St. Kitts due diligence is compiled for everyone today. If Chinese in the Philippines or overseas want to apply for St. Kitts naturalization program, please contact us.

Background investigation, also known as "verification of certification materials", refers to the method of verifying the authenticity and validity of the candidate's background information and certification materials by consulting the candidate's former supervisor, the person who has recently had the opportunity to observe him, the educational institution, the recommender and other objects. It has the function of supplementing insufficient information in the selection process and helping to confirm or obtain information about candidates. It is an effective method that can directly verify the candidate's factual information.


Background investigation is abbreviated as backtone. It is an independent professional organization relying on authoritative data sources to verify and compare the personal background information submitted by the investigated person through legal channels and methods, and form a background investigation report to assist the entrusted investigator to verify its authenticity. This action is usually taken when recruiting people in enterprises, governments, or the military.

According to the newly released "Global Citizen Guide: Ranking of 2021 Investment Naturalization Projects", Saint Kitts and Nevis scored the highest in due diligence. The report was prepared by independent researchers and published by the Financial Times's Professional Wealth Management (PWM) magazine. "Ranking of Investment Naturalization Projects" is an in-depth industry report, which has been released for five years this year. The report notes that Saint Kitts and Nevis has been leading the way in due diligence since its release.

According to the report, "A multi-level due diligence process is an essential element of any successful investment immigration project. The process includes multiple checks, including the host government, professional third-party due diligence companies, and the evaluation of regional and international agencies. Since the introduction of the" Investment Naturalization Project Ranking "in 2017, Saint Kitts and Nevis has continuously achieved good results in due diligence."

The Saint Kitts and Nevis Investment Immigration Project also has a "platinum standard" in the investment immigration industry ". Director Les Khan of the St. Kitts and Nevis Investment Immigration Service said that based on a number of factors, the St. Kitts and Nevis Investment Immigration Project is considered to be one of the best investment immigration projects in the world, the most important of which is its strong due diligence.


Director Les Khan explained in detail the four-tier due diligence procedures for the Saint Kitts and Nevis investment immigration project:

The first stage is carried out by authorized agents around the world. authorizing the agency to conduct anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing checks on applicants first;

In the second stage, the service provider will conduct further investigation. Service providers are local certified lawyers and certified public accountants registered with the Saint Kitts and Nevis Department and subject to government supervision. These experts are responsible for confirming and verifying the applicant's information.

In the third stage, service providers send documents to international due diligence providers, who conduct open source media searches and send information to agencies in the applicant's country of residence.

In the fourth stage, the service provider confirms the applicant's date of birth, marriage, academic certificate and work experience. The information is then submitted to the Investment Immigration Service and then submitted to the International Law Enforcement Department, which integrates all information and search databases on anti-money laundering, fraud, criminal activities, terrorist financing and terrorist activities.

After the documents have been reviewed and returned, the service provider will conduct more levels of review. "Strict due diligence is to ensure that only applicants with the highest integrity succeed in obtaining citizenship," added Director Les Khan.

Thanks to strict due diligence procedures, interested applicants can confirm that their investments in investment immigration projects are safe. Applicants who successfully pass the review will obtain life citizenship and be able to travel to nearly 160 countries and regions without visa or visa on arrival.



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