中文 / English
IAA's main business is to provide driver's license translation services for your country
Period: 5Day
Signing Rate: 100%
Project Introduction:
An international driver's license will help you deal with the language and other inconveniences in other countries. Our international driver's license will help you solve these problems. Of course, our international driver's license is also accepted by most local car rental companies and insurance companies. Your name, place of residence, type of vehicle you are allowed to drive and more information can be easily translated into the IDD booklet in 9 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German, Arabic, Japanese and Chinese. The card will translate all the information on your driver's license into English, making it easier for you to use.
How to use the International Driving Licence correctly:
As a tourist driving anywhere in the world, you can present your current valid driving license, plus international driving documents, to facilitate your travel.
International driving licenses are valid for up to 10 years, but cannot be used for more than a year in the same country. If a driver lives or stays in a country, the driver must apply for a local driver's license.
Why get an international driver's license?
An international driver's license must have the following records:
4.Date of birth
5.National flag
6.Vehicle classification and subclass corresponding code
7.Date of issue
8.Expiration date
9.International driving license
11.The date of the first issue of the national driving licence
Note: A letter of the Latin alphabet recorded in a driver's license.
Your driver's license lacks extension information unrelated to the new requirements. It is the existence of a fine and detention that leads you to clarify your right to drive a motor vehicle.
In order to avoid the loss of time, spirit and money, we recommend that you follow the international standard for the transfer of driving license. The differences in the new requirements are as follows:
We need your full address!
Why do you need an address?
2.Driving years
We need your full driving age!
Sample of an international driver's license
Required documents for processing.
1)Passport Electronic file or; can be taken in high definition without blocking.
2)White background color photo electronic file photo
3)Height cm
4)Sign name on white paper (English) Pinyin → HD electronic file sent to customer service.
5) English address of residence
6) Original driver's license from any country (within validity) HD photo.
7)Height cm
8) Return address/receiver's name/receiver's phone number after the visa is issued
Please provide full English, as international express is required.
Applicant does not need to be present in person; EasyGo handles the entire process.
⇒ Applicant submits "Required Documents for Processing"
⇒ EasyGo processing documents review
⇒ EasyGo submits the application for processing
⇒ Notification of approval of processing result ⇒ Photo return to customer;
⇒ Global express delivery.
List of countries that currently accept international driving licenses:
B、巴哈马群岛(Bahamas)、巴林(Bahrain)、孟加拉国(Bangladesh)、巴巴多斯(Barbados)、白俄罗斯(Belarus)、比利时(Belgium)、伯利兹(Belize)、贝宁(Benin)、不丹(Bhutan)、玻利维亚(Bolivia)、巴西(Brazil)、博茨瓦纳(Botswana)、文莱(Brunei)、保加利亚(Bulgaria)、吉纳法索(Burkina Faso)
C、独联体(C.I.S.)、喀麦隆(Cameroon)、加拿大(Canada)、维德角群岛(Cape Verde Island)、开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)、中非共和国(Central African Rep.)、乍得(Chad)、智利(Chile)、哥伦比亚(Colombia)、科摩罗(Comoros)、刚果(Congo)、哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)、克罗地亚(Croatia)、古巴(Cuba)、库拉索岛(Curacao)、塞浦路斯(Cyprus)、
捷克共和国(Czech Rep.)
D、丹麦(Denmark)、吉布提(Djibouti)、多米尼加共和国(Dominican Republic)
E、厄瓜多尔(Ecuador)、埃及(Egypt)、萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)、赤道几内亚(Equatorial Guinea)、爱沙尼亚(Estonia)
F、斐济(Fiji)、芬兰(Finland)、法国(France)、法属玻里尼西亚(French Polynesia)
H、海地(Haiti)、洪都拉斯(Honduras)、中国香港(Hong Kong)、匈牙利(Hungary)
I、冰岛(Iceland)、印度(India)、印度尼西亚(Indonesia)、伊朗(Iran)、爱尔兰(Ireland)、以色列(Israel)、意大利(Italy)、象牙海岸(Ivory Coast)
N、纳米比亚(Namibia)、尼泊尔(Nepal)、荷兰(Netherlands)、新喀里多尼亚(New Caledonia)、新几内亚(New Guinea)、新西兰(New Zealand)、尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)、尼日尔(Niger)、尼日利亚(Nigeria)、挪威(Norway)
P、巴基斯坦(Pakistan)、巴拿马(Panama)、巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea)、巴拉圭(Paraguay)、秘鲁(Peru)、菲律宾(Philippines)、波兰(Poland)、波里尼西亚(Polynesia)、葡萄牙(Portugal )、普林西比岛(Principe)
S、圣马力诺(San Marino)、圣多美(Sao Tome)、沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)、塞内加尔(Senegal)、塞舌尔(Seychelles)、塞拉利昂(Sierra Leone)、新加坡(Singapore)、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)、西班牙(Spain)、南非(South Africa)、斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)、圣克里斯托弗、尼维斯和安圭拉(St.Christopher, Nevis & Anguilla)、苏里南(Surinam)、斯威士兰(Swaziland)、瑞典(Sweden)、瑞士(Switzerland)、苏丹(Sudan)、叙利亚(Syria)
T、中国台湾(Taiwan)、塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)、泰国(Thailand)、多哥(Togo)、特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad & Tobago)、突尼斯(Tunisia)、土耳其(Turkey)、土库曼斯坦(Turkmenistan)
U、乌拉圭(Uruguay)、乌干达(Uganda)、乌克兰(Ukraine)、阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)、英国(United Kingdom)、美国(United States of America)、乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan)
V、梵蒂冈城(Vatican City)、委内瑞拉(Venezuela)、佛得角岛(Verde Islands)、越南(Vietnam)
W、西萨摩亚(Western Samoa)、温德华群岛(Windward Islands)
Y、也门(Yemen (Rep.))、南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia)、扎伊尔(Zaire)、赞比亚(Zambia)、津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)
Note:Our International Driver License is NOT VAILD in Mainland China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea.
VIP Price: ¥0/人起
VIP Price: ¥800/人起
VIP Price: ¥1875/人起
VIP Price: ¥3750/人起
VIP Price: ¥625/人起
VIP Price: ¥6250/人起
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