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How to apply for a Russian visa? Get the visa application process done once!

Date: 2024-01-20 PageView: 3974

Want to travel to Russia for tourism, study or business?Russian Visa. There are many types of Russian visas, including tourist visas, business visas, student visas, etc. This article will introduce you in detail how to handle the application process of Russian visa at one time, so that you can easily complete the visa processing.

1. Select the type of visa
-Tourist visa: applicable to travel to Russia, visit relatives and friends and other non-business activities.
-Business visa: applicable to travel to Russia for business activities, meetings, cooperation, etc.
-Student visa: applicable to study in Russia, visit relatives and other student activities.

2. Preparation of materials
-Valid passport: Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months after the end of the trip.
-Visa Application Form: Complete and accurate visa application form.
-Photo: Color photos that meet the requirements for Russian visas.
-Invitation Letter/Invitation Letter: Prepare invitation letter or invitation letter according to different visa types.
-Other supporting documents: according to different visa types may need to provide travel arrangements, hotel reservations and other materials.

3. Submission of application
-In China, visa application materials can be submitted to Russian embassies and consulates or visa centers in Shanghai and Beijing.
-In other countries, the application materials can be submitted to the local Russian embassy or visa center.

4. Waiting for processing
-Generally speaking, the Russian visa processing time is 10 working days.
-If you need urgent processing, you can choose to pay an additional fee to speed up processing.

5. Obtaining a Visa
-When the visa is approved, go to the embassy or consulate or visa center to collect the visa.

Through the above process, you can smoothlyRussian VisaAnd plan your trip to Russia too. May you enjoy your journey and enjoy the beautiful scenery and rich culture of Russia!



Warm reminder:

If you want to apply for global visa/immigration/air ticket/driver's license, please contact our online customer service of EasyGo International ( for free consultationWe will provide you with one-stop service.


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