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What materials are required for a French visa

Date: 2023-09-08 PageView: 977

The main materials to be prepared for a French visa are: application form, passport, ID card, photo, account book and insurance policy, in addition to the preparation of bank flow, asset certificate, marital status certificate and so on, if it is to handle France.Business SignYou also need to prepare a business invitation. The more comprehensive and authentic the materials prepared, the more conducive to successful checkout.


List of 1. French visa types and materials

At present, the main types of French visas areTravel sign, business sign, visit sign, these types of materials will be different.

1, FranceTourist VisaMaterials

(1) Application Form

(2) Passport, photo, ID card, account book, insurance policy

(3) In-service personnel need to provide in-service certificates and a copy of the company's business license with official seal; Retirees need to provide retirement certificates; Other personnel may provide corresponding certificates

(4) Bank flow, proof of assets

(5) Other supplementary information

2, FranceBusiness VisaMaterials

(1) Application Form

(2) Business invitation

(3) Passport, photo, ID card, account book, insurance policy

(4) Certificate of employment, a copy of the company's business license stamped with the official seal

(5) Bank flow, proof of assets

(6) Other supplementary information

3. Visa materials for visiting relatives in France

(1) Application Form

(2) Invitation letter of relatives and proof of relationship between the two parties

(3) Passport, photo, ID card, account book, insurance policy

(4) In-service personnel need to provide in-service certificates and a copy of the company's business license stamped with the official seal; Retirees need to provide retirement certificates; Other personnel may provide corresponding certificates

(5) Bank flow, proof of assets

(6) Other supplementary information

2. France visa matters needing attention

1. France is a member of Schengen countries. At present, Schengen visa does not require electronic materials.

2, for a French visa, no matter what type of visa, you need to submit an insurance policy.

3, the first time to apply for a French visa needs to record fingerprints (ten fingers), the fingerprint is valid for 59 months.

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