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One article will help you sort out the difference between Vanuatu's passport and green card.

Date: 2023-02-14 PageView: 1687

Vanuatu is an island country located in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. It is a very famous tourist attraction. The original ecological attractions on the island attract many tourist enthusiasts from all over the world. In addition, Vanuatu is also a very ideal immigration country for applicants who need overseas passports. Of course, the purpose of immigration is not to live, and getting a passport to enjoy the huge advantages of status. Unlike some passport immigration countries located in the Caribbean, Vanuatu immigrants have two options, one is a green card and the other is a passport program. The difference between the two before must be clarified, and then make a decision, otherwise it will easily come to a conclusion, and the identity that you spent money to get does not meet your actual needs, then you must regret it!


What are the similarities and differences between the advantages of the 1. Vanuatu passport project and the permanent residence project?

Vanuatu's permanent residence project is a green card, which is very fast. It is very suitable for applicants who want to travel and even settle down all the year round. Of course, if they want to do business in the past, it is also good to get a green card. Anyway, the cost of handling is very small. Compared with the passport project, the cost is much higher, and the benefits brought by natural identity are also considerable. For example, it can go to many countries without a visa, can be used to open accounts in overseas banks, allocate assets in many countries, or assist in handling tax matters. It can also help children apply for domestic high-quality international schools and directly apply for domestic famous universities at the university stage. In fact, there are almost no similarities between Vanuatu's passport and green card. In addition to policies, the advantages brought to applicants are also very different. The specific contents are as follows:

1. Vanuatu Green Card Advantage

1) The trial is very fast

As long as the materials are fully prepared, you can get a green card as soon as one week. If you use an electronic green card, you can get it as soon as 24 hours. For immigration, this speed is almost impossible, but the fact is that it is so fast.

2) The cost is very small.

For many people, immigration is often a very expensive project, but the application fee for Vanuatu's green card is so low that you can't imagine. A single person only needs 100000, and it is RMB, and the whole family only needs 120000 RMB, which is undoubtedly the price of cabbage.

3) Safe and stable

The green card trial is stable. So far, there are no cases of refusal in the market. Basically, as long as the investment requirements are met, the identity is certain.

2. Vanuatu passport advantage

1) Fast trial

Vanuatu's passport processing speed is very fast. Some customers get their passports within one month, which is far less than the official three months. For applicants in urgent need of passports, Vanuatu is undoubtedly one of the best choices, and it is not too much to remove one.

2) Large identity advantage

Similar to many small country passports, Vanuatu passports can also give applicants huge identity advantages, such as tax planning, asset allocation, and many visa-free countries.

What are the differences between 2. Vanuatu's passport and green card policies?

The main difference between a Vanuatu passport and a green card is the cost. A single application for a green card only costs 100000 RMB, while a single application for a passport costs US $80000. It also requires legal fees, background investigation fees, application fees, etc., which are much more expensive than the green card project. Of course, the identity advantage is also much greater.

All said, in fact, the difference between Vanuatu's passport and green card is very obvious. For applicants, is it the most important to choose the most suitable way for them? Otherwise, even if they immigrate to Vanuatu, they will regret it.



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