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How to fill in the application form for Philippine visa?

Date: 2022-06-15 PageView: 3263

For applying for a visa to go abroad, the application form is one of the most important visa materials. Most countries require applicants to fill in an application form before applying for a visa to go abroad. Different visa countries have different contents and formats. However, some countries do not require applicants to fill in the form. Do you want to fill in the application form when applying for a Philippine visa?


When applying for a Philippine visa, we need to fill in an application form. This form can be filled in online and printed out after filling in it. You can also download the form first and then fill it in by hand. Either way, as long as you fill in the form and hand in the application form together when submitting the application materials.

The specific contents of the application form include the applicant's name, gender, date of birth, passport number, place of birth, passport validity period, time and place of issuance on the passport, work unit, unit address, contact number, email address and other information, whether he has been to the country, if he has been to the country, the time, port and purpose of the last entry and exit, if it is business, he also needs to provide the name, address and telephone number, purpose of this visit, length of stay.

In addition to the required options, some information applicants can choose not to fill in, but in any case, the information filled in the form must be true, relevant information can be found, no errors are allowed, and one more thing to note is that the form must be printed on the front and back of A4 paper, then paste the Philippine visa photo size, and finally sign it myself.

To put it simply, applying for a Philippine visa requires not only filling in the application form, but also a lot of contents. Applicants must fill in the form according to the requirements set by the embassy without any errors. If there are other questions, they can consult through our online customer service.


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