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Chinese citizen, birth certificate

Date: 2023-11-17 PageView: 1409

On November 16, local time, Philippine National Security Council spokesman Jonathan Malaya (Jonathan Malaya) said that according to intelligence reports, local civil registrars in local government departments were suspected of corruption and illegally issued Philippine birth certificates and other government documents to foreign citizens, thus enabling them to apply for Philippine passports.

地方官员贪污腐败 向中国公民签发伪造出生证明

He said: "Corrupt local government officials assist in issuing fake birth certificates and then send them to the Philippine Bureau of Statistics for entry. When these people have records, they can request a certified copy of the birth certificate from the Philippine Bureau of Statistics and apply for other documents such as Philippine passports, including driver's licenses, tax cards and national identity cards."

He added: "The National Security Council sees this as a threat to national security because once they are able to get a birth certificate, they will be able to get a passport and they will be able to get a national identity card. In fact, they are just like ordinary Filipino citizens."

Most foreigners who use the service are Chinese citizens who were not born in the Philippines, have no Filipino parents and are therefore not entitled to government documents.

Senators on Monday urged the National Intelligence Coordination Agency (NICA) and the National Security Council to investigate how official government documents and documents were allegedly issued to foreigners. He said: "We assure senators that the National Security Council, the National Bureau of Investigation and the Philippine Statistical Office will not stop the investigation until we eradicate this modus operandi."



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