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Count the difference between Vanuatu green card and Vanuatu passport and see which is more suitable for you!

Date: 2022-07-27 PageView: 1798

At present, there are more domesticVanuatu immigrantsThere are two main projects, namelyVanuatu Green Card(residence card) andVanuatu passportMany people do not understand the difference between these two immigration programs. Today EasyGoYi You InternationalLet's briefly introduce the difference between the two.


1. What are passports and permanent residence?

Passport and permanent residence card are both identities obtained through immigration, and they are two different identification certificates.

The identity corresponding to "passport" is "nationality (foreign)". To apply for a country's "passport" means that the applicant officially has the nationality of the country, becomes one of the citizens of the country, and enjoys the corresponding civil rights.

The corresponding identity of "residence card" is "right of abode". The word "residence card" originated in the United States, because the early residence card in the United States was a small green card. Since its development, "green card" has been extended to the meaning of "permanent residence". We also habitually refer to the permanent residence of all countries as "residence card". In the process of immigration before obtaining the "residence card", many countries will generally issue the "residence card" or "temporary residence card" first. After the residence card meets certain conditions, it can be upgraded to the green card "permanent residence card".

2. What is the difference between passport and residence card in rights and interests?

The biggest difference between a passport and a residence card lies in political rights (voting rights and the right to be elected) obligations.

Holding a country's residence card means that the cardholder can freely enter and leave the issuing country without a visa, has permanent residence in the issuing country, but does not necessarily have the right to work and study, and does not necessarily enjoy public medical care, Education and other social benefits. The "passport" of a country enjoys the same welfare and political rights as the citizens born in Sri America. Of course, civic obligations such as taxation and military service also need to be fulfilled accordingly, and they can have the right to work and study., Enjoy public medical care, education and other social benefits.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the passport immigration program, one step to get the passport; for the residence card immigration program, if you can meet the corresponding residence and language requirements stipulated in the immigration act, you can also apply for naturalization. After the application for naturalization is approved, you can obtain the country's "passport".

In contrast, in the long run, the gold content of passports is much higher than that of residence cards.

Take Vanuatu passport as an example. With this passport, you can:

1. Work, study and live freely in a third-party passport country without restriction;

2. Have the same welfare benefits as the local people-free medical insurance and public education, social subsidies, unlimited work and study, etc;

3. The legal documents of travel countries are generally more practical than Chinese passports, visa-free for more countries, longer stay, and convenient passage;



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